Sunday, December 20, 2009

Of my friends that don't know me personally, I work at a college on-campus dining facility that happens to have decent quality ingredients on a regular basis. I'd like to say that I'm hard at work serving customers and being the best employee EVER...but that would be a lie. INSTEAD, I manage to concoct little creations like the one seen above. I have no idea what to call it, but I'm still proud of it nonetheless.


2 oz. of broiled freshwater eel (unagi) cut in small strips to 2-3 in. in length
2 oz. of thinly sliced ripe avocados
2 oz. of raw Ahi tuna minced
2 oz. of sushi rice
Unagi sauce for garnish
Siracha sauce for garnish
Toasted sesame seeds for garnish
One small half sphere bowl
Plastic wrap

I'm fortunate enough that many of the ingredients that I used for this was already prepped and ready to go at the time of creation, so all I had to do was assemble and put my creativity on the plate. The inspiration behind this dish was based off of a slightly similar dish I saw at a renown sushi bar here in San Diego called Sushi Ota. A picture of said inspiring dish is...

"Green Apple- Avocado stuffed with spicy salmon sashimi- Excellent!"

I still haven't figured out exactly how to get it into a perfect sphere, but I'm about halfway there.

To start, be very patient as this dish requires tedious finger work in order to get a proper end result as is with anything sushi related. Turn oven to broil. Start by lining the inside of the bowl with a generous amount of plastic wrap so the inside is completely lined and slack sticking out from the sides that is easily grasp-able. Once the plastic is flush against the inside of the bowl, take your thinly sliced avocado and start lining the inside starting with one end of the avocado in the center of the bowl fanning out to the edge. Follow with a slice of broiled eel and alternate around the entire bowl. Towards the end you may have to make small adjustments to the size of the slices so as to completely line the interior while maintaining a perfect spiral.

Once the spiral is complete, take your minced Ahi tuna which can be substituted for any version of spicy tuna filling (which is what I actually used), and fill the bowl with that about half way up. pack it down lightly, being careful not to disturb the spirals of avocado and eel.

Fill the remainder with the sushi rice and make flush to the top of the bowl. Invert onto plate. While inverted, use any fingers that you can and try to secure the plastic wrap against the plate, while simultaneously slowly pulling the bowl away from the plate. You should then end up with your creation covered in plastic wrap. Peel away.

Pop in the oven to broil the top and warm the eel and caramelize the sauces for about 3 minutes or until eel is tender. Remove from oven, and drizzle with unagi sauce and Siracha sauce.


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